Download Batman v1 #256
TITLE: Batman #256
PUBLICATION DATE: May/Jun 1974 (onsale 2/21/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Nicholas Peter Cardy
CONTENTS: "Batman"
- Batman: "Catwoman's Circus Caper" (20 pages)
Dennis J. O'Neil (Writer), Irv Novick (Penciller), Dick Giordano (Inker) - Batman: "Dinosaur Island" (12 pages)
Bill Finger (Writer), Bob Kane (Penciller), Ray Burnley (Inker)
From Batman #35, Jun/Jul 1946 - Batman: "The Penny Plunderers" (13 pages)
Bill Finger (Writer), Bob Kane (Penciller), Jack Burnley (Inker)
From World's Finest Comics #30, Sep/Oct 1947 - Batman: "Brothers in Crime" (13 pages)
Don Cameron (Writer), Jerry Robinson (Artist)
From Batman #12, Aug/Sep 1942 - Batman: "The Thousand and One Trophies of Batman" (12 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer), Bob Kane (Penciller), Charles Paris (Inker)
From Detective Comics #158, April 1950 - Batman: "The Secret of Batman Island" (8 pages)
Bill Finger (Writer), Sheldon Moldoff (Penciller), Charles Paris (Inker)
From Batman #119, October 1958
- "Letters to the Batman" (1 Page)
(Letters Page) - "If Bruce Wayne Had Not Become the Batman" (2 Pages)
(Depicts several different alternate lives of Bruce Wayne) - "Bat-Puzzle" (1 Page)
(Crossword puzzle) - "The Catwoman" (1 Page)
(Pictoral history of Catwoman) - "Letters to the Batman Extra" (1 Page)
(Letters Page)
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