Download Justice League of America #114
TITLE: Justice League of America #114
PUBLICATION DATE: Nov/Dec 1974 (onsale 8/6/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Nicholas Peter Cardy
CONTENTS: "Justice League of America"
- Justice League of America: "The Return of Anakronus" (20 pages)
Len Wein (Writer), Paul Levitz (Writer), Dick Dillin (Penciller), Dick Giordano (Inker) - Just a Story: (Detour) (10 pages)
Howard Purcell (Writer/Artist)
From Comic Cavalcade #18, Dec/Jan 1946 - Justice League of America: "Crisis on Earth-Three" (46 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer), Mike Sekowsky (Penciller), Bernard Sachs (Inker)
From Justice League of America #29, August 1964
- "JLA Puzzle" (1 Page)
(Crossword puzzle) - "Super-Hero Boots" (1 Page)
(Boots game) - "JLA Trivia Quiz" (1 Page)
(Trivia) - "JLA Heroes of the Past" (1 Page)
(Information about former and reserve members) - "JLA Mail Room" (2 Pages)
(Letters page)
Your blog is very cool, man! i have just discovered it today, and what a surprise, classic comics! that's what i was looking for...greetings from Mexico...
Greetings, Comicootura, and many thanks for the very kind words!
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