Download Shazam! #16
TITLE: Shazam! #16
PUBLICATION DATE: Jan/Feb 1975 (onsale 10/22/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Robert Oksner
CONTENTS: "The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man"
- Captain Marvel: "The Man Who Stole Justice" (12 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer), Kurt Schaffenberger (Artist) - Marvel Family: "The Sneaking Doom" (21 pages)
From Marvel Family #59, May 1951 - Captain Marvel: "The Invention Miser" (7 pages)
From Captain Marvel Adventures #103, December 1949 - Captain Marvel, Jr.: "The Lazy Genie" (5 pages)
From Captain Marvel, Jr. #118, April 1953 - Captain Marvel: "The World Hater" (8 pages)
From Marvel Family #53, November 1950 - Marvel Family: "The Monarch of Money" (8 pages)
From Marvel Family #29, November 1948 - Captain Marvel: "King Kull and the Seven Sins" (8 pages)
From Captain Marvel Adventures #137, October 1952 - Mary Marvel: "The Green-Eyed Monster" (8 pages)
E. Nelson Bridwell (Writer), Robert Oksner (Artist)
- "Shazam Puzzle Page" (1 Page)
(Picture Puzzles) - "Legends of Shazam" (1 Page)
(Text: History of Atlas) - "Shazamail" (1 Page)
(Letters page) - "Superman - Shazam Battle Page" (1 Page)
(Letters page)
I'm really enjoying this site (blog?). It has allowed me to finally read several comics I've wanted to read for years.
One question: what will you do when you've gone through all the super-spectaculars?
It's a blog (short for Web log) and I thank you for your very kind comment and question, Robert. I have to chuckle that you ask that because I asked myself that very same question some weeks ago and I happily reply that I will consider this blog to be "done." As in "finished," "mission accomplished," and all that.
However, I suspect I'll need more time to hunt down the few elusive issues that I don't have uploaded here, which are mostly the romance titles. Simply type "needed" into this blog's "Search" and you'll see that I need 11 more Super Spectaculars to finish this blog, as I type this.
Once even those remaining issues are found, I will move on to my other blogs, which I have difficulty in keeping current and I am retired, too!
When all else fails, fall back on reality, I always say ;-]
Warmest regards,
The Old Warrior
thanks for sharing!
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