Download House of Mystery #229
TITLE: House of Mystery #229
PUBLICATION DATE: Feb/Mar 1975 (onsale 11/12/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Nestor P. Redondo
CONTENTS: "The House of Mystery"
- "Sir Greeley's Revenge" (12 pages)
Otto Binder (Writer), Frank Springer (Artist)
From House of Mystery #181, Jul/Aug 1969 - "Sour Note" (6 pages)
E. Nelson Bridwell (Writer), Jerry Grandenetti (Penciller), George Roussos (Inker)
From House of Mystery #179, Mar/Apr 1969 - "Nightmare Castle" (36 pages)
Robert Kanigher (Writer), Nestor P. Redondo (Artist) - "The Dead Can Kill" (3 pages)
Marv Wolfman (Writer), Bernie Wrightson (Artist)
From House of Mystery #183, Nov/Dec 1969 - "I Was a Spy for Them" (6 pages)
Mort Meskin (Artist)
From Tales of the Unexpected #16, August 1957 - "Mask of the Red Fox" (12 pages)
Robert Kanigher (Writer), Alex Toth (Artist)
From House of Mystery #187, Jul/Aug 1970 - "Grave Results" (3 pages)
Marv Wolfman (Writer), Wayne Howard (Artist)
From House of Mystery #182, Sep/Oct 1969
- "Cain's Mail Room" (2 Pages)
(Letters page) - "Mystery Crossword" (1 Page)
(Crossword Puzzle) - "Cain's Gargoyles" (1 Page)
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