Download House of Mystery #226
TITLE: House of Mystery #226
PUBLICATION DATE: Aug/Sep 1974 (onsale 5/14/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Luis Dominguez
CONTENTS: "The House of Mystery"
- "Garden of Evil" (9 pages)
Jack Oleck (Writer), Alfredo P. Alcala (Artist) - "Teddy Doesn't Seem to Smile Anymore" (3 pages)
Martin Pasko (Writer), Frank Robbins (Artist) - "The Devil's Chessboard" (6 pages)
Leonard Starr (Artist)
From House of Mystery #12, March 1953 - Phantom Stranger: "The Living Nightmare" (8 pages)
John Broome (Writer), Carmine Infantino (Penciller), Bernard Sachs (Inker)
From Phantom Stranger #5, Apr/May 1953 - "Monster in the House" (9 pages)
Jack Oleck (Writer), Nestor P. Redondo (Artist) - "Scared to Life" (3 pages)
Marv Wolfman (Writer), Bernie Wrightson (Artist)
From House of Mystery #180, May/Jun 1969 - "The School for Sorcerers" (6 pages)
William (Bill) Ely (Artist)
From House of Mystery #74, May 1958 - "The Perfect Mate" (6 pages)
Michael J. Pellowski (Plotter), Robert Kanigher (Scripter), Jess M. Jodloman (Artist) - "The Wishes of Doom" (8 pages)
Curt Swan (Penciller), George Klein (Inker)
From House of Mystery #10, January 1953 - "The Haunted Melody" (6 pages)
William (Bill) Ely (Artist)
From House of Mystery #58, January 1957 - "Out of This World" (9 pages)
Jack Oleck (Writer), Gerry Talaoc (Artist)
- "Cain's Mail Room" (2 Pages)
(Letters Page) - "Cain's Game Room" (1 Page)
(Cartoons) - "Cain's Gargoyles" (1 Page)
- "Do You Dare Enter the House of Mystery" (3 Pages)
(Tour of the House of Mystery) - "Hidden in the House" (1 Page)
(Word search)

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