Download DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #07
TITLE: Superman #245
PUBLICATION DATE: Dec/Jan 1971 (onsale 10/7/1971)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers NO ADS
COVER ART: Murphy Anderson
NOTES: Superman Giant #24; DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #DC-7
CONTENTS: "World's Greatest Super-Heroes"
- Superman: "The Team of Luthor and Brainiac" (27 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer), Curt Swan (Penciller), George Klein (Inker)
From Superman #167, February 1964 - Kid Eternity: (The Count) (12 pages)
Mac Raboy (Artist)
From Kid Eternity #3, Autumn 1946 - Atom: "The Time Trap" (15 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer), Gil Kane (Penciller), Murphy Anderson (Inker)
From Atom #3, Oct/Nov 1962 - Super-Chief: "The Crowning of Super-Chief" (12 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer), Carmine Infantino (Artist)
From All-Star Western #117, Feb/Mar 1961 - Air Wave: "The Adventure of the Shooting Spooks" (7 pages)
Murray Boltinoff (Writer), Harris Levy (Penciller), Charles Paris (Inker)
From Detective Comics #66, August 1942 - Hawkman: "The Super-Motorized Menace" (12 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer), Murphy Anderson (Artist)
From Mystery In Space #89, February 1964 - Superman: "The Prankster's Greatest Role" (10 pages)
William Woolfolk (Writer), Al Plastino (Artist)
From Superman #87, February 1954
- "Giant Metropolis Mailbag" (1 Page)
(Letters page) - "The Man of Many Faces" (Inside Back Cover)
(Superman head-shots) - "This Issue's All-Star Line-Up" (Back Cover)

1 comment:
This was the first Super-Spec I ever got my hands on. It was in a "comic pack" with two other comics. Imagine that: three coverless comics wrapped in cellophane for a quarter--and this was one of 'em! No wonder I love comics!
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