Download DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #21
TITLE: 100-Page Super Spectacular DC-21
PUBLICATION DATE: October 1973 (onsale 7/10/1973)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers NO ADS
COVER ART: Nicholas Peter Cardy
NOTES: Superboy Giant #11
CONTENTS: "Superboy"
- Superboy: "The Superboy Revenge Squad" (13 pages)
George Papp (Artist)
From Superboy #94, January 1962 - Supergirl: "Lena Thorul, Jungle Princess" (12 pages)
Leo Dorfman (Writer), Jim Mooney (Artist)
From Action Comics #313, June 1964 - Superboy: "The Miracle Plane" (8 pages)
Bill Finger (Writer), John Sikela (Penciller), George Roussos (Inker)
From Adventure Comics #117, June 1947 - Kid Eternity: (The Beagle) (12 pages)
William Woolfolk (Writer), Al Bryant (Artist)
From Kid Eternity #9, Spring 1948 - Legion of Super-Heroes: "The Super-Moby Dick of Space" (17 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer), John Forte (Penciller), George Klein (Inker)
From Adventure Comics #332, May 1965 - Kid Flash/Aqualad/Robin: "The Thousand-and-One Dooms of Mr. Twister" (25 pages)
Bob Haney (Writer), Bruno Premiani (Artist), Sheldon Moldoff (Inker)
From Brave and the Bold #54, Jun/Jul 1964 - Superboy: "The Super Giant of Smallville" (8 pages)
Otto Binder (Writer), Curt Swan (Penciller), Stan Kaye (Inker)
From Superboy #50, July 1956
- "A Look Through the Super Spectacles" (Inside Back Cover)
(Text: Letters page) - "DC's Cover Gallery" (Back Cover)
(Adventure Comics #117, Kid Eternity #9, Brave and the Bold #54, and Adventure Comics #332)

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