Download DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #08
TITLE: Batman #238
PUBLICATION DATE: January 1972 (onsale 11/4/1971)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers NO ADS
COVER ART: Neal Adams/Dick Giordano
NOTES: Batman Giant #23; DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #DC-8
CONTENTS: "World's Greatest Super-Heroes"
- Batman: "The Masterminds of Crime" (12 pages)
David Vern Reed (Writer), Curt Swan (Penciller), Charles Paris (Inker)
From Batman #70, Apr/May 1952 - Doom Patrol: "The Doom Patrol" (25 pages)
Arnold Drake (Writer), Bob Haney (Writer), Bruno Premiani (Artist)
From My Greatest Adventure #80, June 1963 - Plastic Man: (Oh, Plastic Man) (13 pages)
Jack Cole (Writer/Artist)
From Police Comics #14, December 1942 - Sargon: (No Title) (6 pages)
John Broome (Writer), Joe Kubert (Artist)
From Sensation Comics #57, September 1946 - Atom: "Danger in the Totem's Eye" (6 pages)
Arthur Adler (Writer) - Aquaman: "The Aqua-Thief of the Seven Seas" (6 pages)
Robert Bernstein (Writer), Ramona Fradon (Artist)
From Adventure Comics #276, September 1960 - Legion of Super-Heroes: "The Legion of Super-Outlaws" (17 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer), John Forte (Artist)
From Adventure Comics #324, September 1964 - Batman: "Mr. Roulette's Greatest Gamble" (10 pages)
David Vern Reed (Writer), Dick Sprang (Penciller), Charles Paris (Inker)
From Batman #75, Feb/Mar 1953
- "Giant Batmail" (1 Page)
(Letters page) - "Key to the Super-Heroes" (Inside Back Cover)
(Identifies characters depicted on the cover)

Click here for the key to who's who
And my other favorite comic as a kid. Thanks for making it available!
You're quite welcome!
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