Download Superman Family #164
TITLE: Superman Family #164
PUBLICATION DATE: Apr/May 1974 (onsale 1/24/1974)
FORMAT: 96 squarebound pages plus covers
COVER ART: Nicholas Peter Cardy
NOTES: This is the first issue of Superman Family.
The numbering continues from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen.
CONTENTS: "Jimmy Olsen Presents the Superman Family"
- Jimmy Olsen: "Death Bites with Fangs of Stone" (14 pages)
Leo Dorfman (Writer), Kurt Schaffenberger (Artist) - Supergirl: "Brainiac's Blitz" (12 pages)
Jim Shooter (Writer), Jim Mooney (Artist)
From Action Comics #339, July 1966 - Superboy: "The Super Star of Hollywood" (13 pages)
Jerry Siegel (Writer), George Papp (Artist)
From Adventure Comics #272, May 1960 - Jimmy Olsen: "The Gift-Wrapped Doom" (6 pages)
Leo Dorfman (Writer), Kurt Schaffenberger (Artist) - Jimmy Olsen: "The Death March" (9 pages)
Leo Dorfman (Writer), Al Plastino (Artist)
From Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #76, April 1964 - Lois Lane: "The Three Wives of Superman" (25 pages)
Kurt Schaffenberger (Artist)
From Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #51, August 1964
- "Jimmy Olsen's Pen-Pals" (2 Pages)
(Letters Page) - "How the Artists Draw the Superman Family" (3 Pages)
(Sketches by Swan and Schaffenberger)
Wow. I recall having this issue when I was young! A friend gave it to me. It eventually lost its cover, but seeing it here, I recognized it right away!
I'm currently downloading it and am anxious to read it all over again!
You're very welcome and please feel free to stop by again soon!
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